This guide walks you through the entire process of creating, uploading, and importing assets and metadata for your unique (e.g. PFP) NFT collection.. Whether you’re new to NFT creation or looking to refine your workflow, this guide ensures your collection is set up properly before dropping on Mint Terminal.
What is Metadata and Why is it Important?
Metadata is the backbone of every NFT. It provides descriptive data that defines each NFT and its traits, making it unique and meaningful to collectors. NFT metadata is stored in JSON format and can be hosted on decentralized (e.g. IPFS) or centralized (e.g. AWS S3) platforms.
How Metadata Enhances NFTs
Displays NFT Traits: Helps marketplaces showcase details like rarity and attributes.
Facilitates Searchability: Metadata makes it easy for collectors to filter and find NFTs based on specific traits.
Ensures Interoperability: Properly structured metadata allows seamless integration across platforms.
Understanding NFT Metadata Properties
NFT metadata includes key information that defines your digital asset. Below are the common properties found in an NFT's metadata:
Name | The name of the asset description: A detailed description of the asset. |
Description | A detailed explanation of the asset. |
Image | A URI linking to the asset's logo or visual representation. |
Animation_url | A URI linking to an animation associated with the asset. |
External_url | A URI linking to an external resource, such as the asset's official website or a related platform. |
Attributes | An array of traits or characteristics that define the asset (e.g., color, rarity, special abilities) |
JSON might seem complex at first glance, but with a step-by-step approach, it’s actually quite straightforward to understand and use.
JSON is a structured format for storing information. It’s designed to be easily processed by computers while remaining relatively simple for humans to read and interpret.
How to Prepare Metadata for Your NFT
Creating metadata for your NFT is a simple process. You'll need to create a JSON file containing all the relevant information about your NFT, as outlined in the properties above.
Plan Your Metadata Structure
Before creating your metadata, decide on the details you want to include. Common properties for PFP collections are similar to the examples above.
Create Metadata Files (JSON Format)
Metadata for each NFT is stored in a JSON file. Each NFT should have its own metadata file. Use tools like Excel or scripts to define traits and export JSON files efficiently.
Ensure each JSON file is unique and includes the relevant properties.
Use consistent naming (e.g. 0,1,2,3.)
Do not use .json in the metadata. (e.g, token uri will return<CID>/0, etc)
Ensure your metadata files start at 0
The rules noted above are important.
For every token:
Image: This is a mandatory field for each token. The image must be in JPG, PNG, or GIF format. For the collection page, you can use a screenshot or a single frame from a video as the image.
Animation URL: This is optional and can be added if you want to showcase an MP4 video or other animated content on the item details page.
Here’s an example of what a single JSON file might look like:
"name": "Azuki #4676",
"image": "ipfs://QmYDvPAXtiJg7s8JdRBSLWdgSphQdac8j1YuQNNxcGE1hg/4676.png",
"attributes": [
"trait_type": "Type",
"value": "Human"
"trait_type": "Hair",
"value": "Blue Bun"
Here is an example of what a proper structure look like using Web3Storage, an alternative to Pinata:
Note 1: if you have 2,000 supply, you need to have 2,000 json file with 2,000 image links if the art is unique. If the art is not unique, you can reference the same image link.
Note 2: Please delete the file extension at the end of the file name. It should not be '.txt' or '.json'. See example from the link above.
Generate Metadata for the Entire Collection
For a collection with multiple NFTs, you’ll need a metadata file for each asset. Use tools or scripts to automate the process for large collections.
Popular Tools: Open-source metadata generators or custom scripts in Python or JavaScript.
Example: If your collection has 10,000 NFTs, each will have a unique file with its own traits, name, and image link.
Validate Metadata
Before uploading, validate your metadata to ensure it’s formatted correctly. Use JSON validation tools like JSONLint.
How to Organize Files
Upload all your images to a hosting service or IPFS. Once uploaded, each image will be assigned a unique URL, such as http://ipfs/<id>.png. The format of the URL may vary depending on how the image and token names are structured.
For each image, include its unique URL in the corresponding metadata JSON file. Once all metadata files are complete, upload the entire folder to IPFS or another hosting service. This will generate the final metadata URLs for your collection.
Uploading Metadata and Assets to IPFS
Decentralized storage ensures your metadata and assets are secure and accessible. Follow these steps:
Choose a Storage Tool
For IPFS: Use Pinata or NFT.Storage or Web3Storage.
Upload Files
Upload the folder containing your JSON files (metadata).
Upload the folder containing your images.
Obtain the base CID (Content Identifier) for each folder.
Link Metadata to Images
Ensure the image field in your JSON metadata contains the correct CID-based URI for the corresponding image. Please confirm that you can access the link directly. If you can't access it directly, neither will our system!
Submitting Metadata to Magic Eden
Once your metadata and assets are hosted on IPFS or Arweave, follow these steps:
Obtain the base URL or CID for your metadata.
Go to the Magic Eden’s Mint Terminal.
Click ‘Create NFT Drop’ and select either a new collection or existing collection.
Input the metadata URL in the designated field.
Fill out the remaining NFT collection details and click ‘Publish’ to launch your drop on Mint Terminal.
Pro Tip: Ensure your metadata URL is publicly accessible before submitting.
Congratulations! By following this guide, you’ve successfully prepared, uploaded, and imported your metadata, ready to showcase your collection on Magic Eden’s Mint Terminal.
Need Help?
If you have any questions or need assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team via the chat widget on our website.
Now you're ready to bring your NFT collection to life with Magic Eden’s Mint Terminal!