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Mastering the Magic Eden Ordinals API: A Comprehensive User Guide
Mastering the Magic Eden Ordinals API: A Comprehensive User Guide

Optimize Your Operations: Harnessing the Magic Eden Ordinals API for Seamless Execution

cavpatrol avatar
Written by cavpatrol
Updated over a week ago

Welcome to the Magic Eden Ordinals API Help Center! This article will guide you on how to use the Magic Eden Bitcoin Ordinals API to gather data for your applications and websites.

Please make sure to adhere to our Terms of Service when utilizing our API. If you have any further questions or need assistance, feel free to join us on Discord or reach out via our support team.

API Endpoints


  • Mainnet: - This endpoint provides access to the real Ordinals Mainnet cluster, where the tokens are real and the data is consistent with what you see on (Please note that US users will be redirected to

Ordinals API Keys

To access certain endpoints, you may need an API key. The API key is required to authorize your HTTP requests.

Rate Limiting

The public API is free to use, and the default rate limit is 30 queries per minute (QPM). Unauthorized requests use the "demo" key, which is also subject to the 30 QPM limit. Please note that exceeding the rate limit may result in a 429 status code. If you require a higher limit, please fill out the form to obtain an API key.

When making batch requests, it is recommended to add a small timeout between requests to avoid connection refusal, regardless of whether you have an API key or not.

Authorization Header

To access the instruction endpoints, you must include an Authorization header in your HTTP requests. The value of the Authorization header should be Bearer followed by your API key.


makefileCopy codeAuthorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY

Replace YOUR_API_KEY with the actual API key provided to you.


Get collection

  • Method: GET

  • Endpoint:{symbol}

  • Description: Retrieve information about a specific collection.

  • Path Parameters:

    • symbol (required): The symbol of the collection.

  • Response:

    • 200: Successful response

Get collection stats

  • Method: GET

  • Endpoint:

  • Description: Retrieve statistics about the Bitcoin Ordinals collection.

  • Query Parameters:

    • collectionSymbol (required): The symbol of the collection.

  • Response:

    • 200: Successful response

Get popular collection stats

  • Method: GET

  • Endpoint:

  • Description: Retrieve statistics about popular collections.

  • Query Parameters:

    • window (required): The time window for the statistics. Valid values are 1h, 6h, 1d, 7d, 30d.

    • limit: The limit on the number of results.

  • Response:

    • 200: Successful response

Get activities

  • Method: GET

  • Endpoint:

  • Description: Retrieve activities filtered by collection, kind, token ID, and owner address. By default, the activities are sorted by createdAt in descending order.

  • Query Parameters:

    • collectionSymbol: The symbol of the collection to filter.

    • kind: The kind of activity to filter (e.g., transfer, create, list, delist, buying_broadcasted, mint_broadcasted).

    • tokenId: The ID of the token to filter.

    • ownerAddress: The address of the owner to filter.

    • limit: The limit on the number of results.

    • offset: The offset for pagination.

    • inscriptionMin: The minimum inscription number.

    • inscriptionMax: The maximum inscription number.

    • satRarity: The rarity level of the token (e.g., common, uncommon, rare, epic, legendary, mythic).

  • Response:

    • 200: Successful response

Get tokens

  • Method: GET

  • Endpoint:

  • Description: Retrieve tokens filtered by collection, owner, and token IDs.

  • Query Parameters:

    • tokenIds: An array of token IDs to filter.

    • collectionSymbol: The symbol of the collection to filter.

    • ownerAddress: The address of the owner to filter.

    • showAll: Boolean value to determine whether to show all items, including listed and unlisted ones.

    • limit: The limit on the number of results.

    • offset: The offset for pagination.

    • inscriptionMin: The minimum inscription number.

    • inscriptionMax: The maximum inscription number.

    • sortBy: The field to sort the results by (e.g., priceAsc, priceDesc, listedAtAsc, listedAtDesc, inscriptionNumberAsc, inscriptionNumberDesc).

    • minPrice: The minimum price.

    • maxPrice: The maximum price.

    • satRarity: The rarity level of the token (e.g., common, uncommon, rare, epic, legendary, mythic).

  • Response:

    • 200: Successful response

This concludes the overview of the Magic Eden Ordinals API. Remember to include your API key in the Authorization header for authorized requests, and follow the guidelines provided in the API documentation for each endpoint.

If you have any further questions or need assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to us. Happy building!

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