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Protecting Creator Royalties: Updating Your Operator Filter Subscription
Protecting Creator Royalties: Updating Your Operator Filter Subscription

Ensuring creator royalties on Magic Eden's EVM NFT platform.

cavpatrol avatar
Written by cavpatrol
Updated over a week ago

As a creator in the world of EVM NFTs, protecting your royalties is paramount. Magic Eden provides a simple yet effective solution through the operator filter subscription. This guide will walk you through the process of updating your subscription to safeguard your earnings and block platforms that do not respect creator royalties.

Magic Eden operator filter registrant information

  • Ethereum mainnet: 0xB197F889dd1550533A0F1112dbD5B12e5dded25d

  • Polygon mainnet: 0xB197F889dd1550533A0F1112dbD5B12e5dded25d


In order to complete this walkthrough, you will require:

  • Your collection’s contract address

  • The ability to connect with your collection contract owner wallet

  • Some ETH in owner wallet for operation

Subscribe to the Magic Eden subscription

Check if you are currently subscribed to the default registry

To begin, verify that you are subscribed to the default operator filter registry maintained by OpenSea. In this guide we will be using Ethereum as the example however the process is the same for Polygon.

Visit the ETH OperatorFilterRegistry contract on Etherscan. If your collection is on Polygon, visit the Polygon OperatorFilterRegistry contract on Polygonscan.

If the above link did not automatically direct you to the “Read Contract” tab, you can manually navigate to it by selecting “Contract” > “Read Contract”.

Use the "isRegistered" function with your collection's contract address to verify your subscription status.

Specifically, under “10. isRegistered,” paste your collection’s contract address into the “registrant” field, and then select “query.” This query doesn’t require your wallet to be connected, making it both safe and free to perform.

The response will be “true” if your collection's token contract is already registered with the default OpenSea operator filter registry.

The response will be “false” if your collection’s token contract is not currently registered with the default OpenSea operator filter registry.

If the query returns true, indicating that you are an existing registrant, then you are all set. If not, please refer to this section for guidance. Once you have completed this step, you can proceed to the next.

Check if you are currently subscribed to the default subscription

Under “13. subscriptionOf,” paste your collection’s contract address into the “registrant” field, and then select “query.” This query doesn’t require your wallet to be connected, ensuring it is both safe and free to execute.

Take note of the subscription address. In the provided example, the subscription address is 0xCcB7BD34a1fC6D256E3A9121ABa7bD3eEe28F885. It's important to remember that your subscription address may differ.

  • If your subscription address matches 0xB197F889dd1550533A0F1112dbD5B12e5dded25d, you are subscribed to MagicEden's default subscription. You are all set to proceed.

  • If your subscription address does not match 0xB197F889dd1550533A0F1112dbD5B12e5dded25d, please follow the next step to change your subscription to the MagicEden subscription.

Subscribe to Magic Eden list

In this step, you need to connect your collection owner wallet to Web3 in order to perform a write operation. Ensure you have some ETH in your wallet to cover the gas fees.

Connect the collection owner's wallet by clicking on "Connect to Web3" and follow the instructions provided by your wallet.

Once connected, click on "5. Subscribe", then paste your collection’s token contract address into the “registrant” field, and input 0xB197F889dd1550533A0F1112dbD5B12e5dded25d into the “newSubscription” field.

Click “write” to submit. You will then be prompted to sign the transaction with your wallet and pay a small gas fee to finalize the subscription update.

Your collection will now effectively block transactions involving marketplace contracts which do not respect creator royalties.

How to switch to default registry

In some rare case that your collection contract is not subscribing to default OS registry. Please contact Magic Eden for further assistance.

By updating your operator filter subscription on Magic Eden's EVM platform, you're taking a crucial step in protecting your creator royalties. Ensure your earnings are safeguarded by following these simple steps.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out to our support team by clicking on the chat widget.

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