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Specifying Animation Formats for EVM NFTs on Magic Eden
Specifying Animation Formats for EVM NFTs on Magic Eden

Ensure your animated NFTs are correctly formatted and displayed.

cavpatrol avatar
Written by cavpatrol
Updated over a week ago

This guide provides developers with the necessary information to properly format and specify animations for NFTs on our Magic Eden EVM platform, ensuring seamless integration and optimal display.

Supported animation formats

Magic Eden supports various animation formats for NFTs, including MP4, GLB, WEBM, WAV and HTML pages. These formats allow for rich media experiences and interactive NFTs.

Native support for animations

Our platform natively supports common animation formats such as MP4 and iframes out of the box. This means you can easily use these formats without any additional configuration or compatibility issues.

Metadata property: animation_url

When minting an animated NFT, include the animation_url property in your token metadata. This property supports the following file extensions and functionalities:

  • GLB: Formats for 3D models.

  • WEBM, MP4: Video formats.


  • HTML Pages: For creating interactive NFTs using JavaScript canvas, WebGL, and more. Note that access to browser extensions is not supported within the HTML page.

Example metadata for animated NFTs

Here is an example of how to structure your metadata for an animated NFT using the animation_url property:

"description": "A test project for Magic Eden",
"external_url": "",
"image": "",
"name": "Test #1",
"animation_url": ""

By following the guidelines above, you can ensure that your animated NFTs are properly formatted and fully functional on Magic Eden. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please reach out to our support team through the chat widget on our website.

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